Fletcher's Open Educational Resources

Student OER Information

What is OER?

Open educational resources (OER) are free and openly licensed educational materials that can be used for teaching, learning, research, and other purposes.

Why use OER?

Did you know that the cost of textbooks has risen 73% since 2006? That is 4 times the rise of inflation. Textbooks are becoming more and more expensive and making it difficult for students to be able to pay for school.

Visit Student PIRGS website to learn more.

What Can You Do?

Take a class that uses OER.
Join or form a student body organization to advocate for textbook affordability solutions.
Ask professors if they know about or would be willing to use Open Educational Resources.
Provide Suggestions if you have an idea about how to increase OER use at Fletcher contact KC Celestine or Jodi Duet with your suggestions.

If you would like some quick tips and recommendations on how to access and use OER, check out the OER Student User Guide. For a more in-depth guide to OER, refer to the Student Guide to Open Educational Resources.

Helpful Links