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Faculty Resources

Explore our resources for faculty and staff, curated to help you in your teaching, learning, and research endeavors. The library offers various ways to partner with us to enhance your students' learning experience including:

  • Offering course material on reserve through the library to help yourself and students save time, money, and textbook management.
  • Requesting library instruction to help compliment course objectives. Topics for instruction include information literacy, how to find/use credible sources, study tips and many more. Clicking the link above will direct you to an appointment booker to discuss details of the instruction you are requesting.
  • Exploring Open Educational Resources to use in your class. These materials are generated and updated by industry professionals and instructors, ensuring timely and accurate information. These materials are offered to access at no cost to you or your students. Schedule an appointment with one of our librarians for help finding Open Educational Resources for your courses. 
  • Request a library purchase for materials that can compliment course materials and instruction such as study materials, journal titles, resource subscriptions, and more. The library will consider these requests at the discretion of the collection development policy and library budget.