IMPORTANT: The library is working on updating the look and feel of our website. Changes are coming soon.

Fletcher's Open Educational Resources

Why Use OER

OER Collections

  • Affordable Learning Louisiana (Access EDS Faculty Select Here)
    • Using the Louisiana Statewide Common Course Catalog, LOUIS created and maintains a list of potential open educational resources (OERs) that faculty may choose to adopt in their courses. This open textbook collections include:
      • Open Textbook Library
      • SUNY Open Textbooks
      • OAPEN
      • BC Open Textbooks 
  • Alison
    • Choose to adopt in t Offers free online courses in many different subjects including science, business, math, marketing, and much more.

  • California Open Online for Education - Cool4Ed
    • The three State of California Higher Education Systems is working together to provide you easy access to quality FREE and OPEN eTextbooks that everyone and anyone can use for teaching and learning.
  • GALILEO Open Learning Material
    • GALILEO Open Learning Materials brings together open educational resources throughout the University System of Georgia, including open textbooks and ancillary materials.
  • LibreTexts
    • This Living Library is a principal hub of the LibreTexts project, which is a multi-institutional collaborative venture to develop the next generation of open-access texts to improve postsecondary education at all levels of higher learning. The LibreTexts approach is highly collaborative where an Open Access textbook environment is under constant revision by students, faculty, and outside experts to supplant conventional paper-based books.
  • Lumen Learning
    • Provides links to own content as well as content developed by institutions it has worked with, such as Tidewater Community College and Washington State Community and Technical Colleges.
  • Mason OER Metafinder
    • Searches seventeen targets in real-time, instantly returning the top several hundred or so relevant hits from each site. Because it is a real-time search, it can take a bit longer than searches of pre-indexed content; however, as compensation, the results returned are absolutely up-to-the-minute for each search target.
  • Merlot II
    • Managed through the California State University System. Includes textbooks, case studies, assessment tools, online course modules, journal articles, quizzes, simulations, and tutorials
  • MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    • Course materials include several types of open resources in engineering, material and nuclear sciences, aeronautics, and astronautics as well as other subjects.
  • National Science Digital Library (NSDL)
    • The National Science Digital Library provides high quality online educational resources for teaching and learning, with the current emphasis on the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines
  • NOBA Project
    •  An open and free online platform that provides high-quality, flexibly structured textbooks and educational materials. Customize Noba textbooks or build your own.
  • NYU Press: Open Access Books
    • NYU Press is pleased to offer these books in an open-access platform for reading on a desktop and mobile devices. We will continue to contribute new titles each year.
    • (Openly Available Sources Integrated Search). We have gathered more than 155,000+ records from 52 different sources that have been carefully selected in collaboration with SUNY OER Services. 
  • OER Commons
    • OER Commons provides access to quality content from across the globe.  Users have access to search across over 50,000 fully indexed ORE, to provide high-level resources of discovery and relevancy.
  • Open Book Publishers
    • Open Book Publishers publishes academic texts, but also include a free online edition that can be read via their website, downloaded, reused or embedded anywhere.
  • Open Culture
    • Started by a dean at Stanford University, this source contains a wide variety of OERs on diverse formats.
  • Open Education Consortium
    • The Open Education Consortium in collaboration with MERLOT offers a search engine for users to access OERs.  Their aim is to provide access to high-quality education and training resources.
  • Project Gutenberg
    • Offers over 57,000 free eBooks. Choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online. You will find the world's great literature here, with a focus on older works for which copyright has expired. Thousands of volunteers digitized and diligently proofread the eBooks, for enjoyment and education.
  • Saylor Academy Open Textbooks
    • Saylor Academy is a nonprofit initiative working since 2008 to offer free and open online courses to all who want to learn. There are over 100 free open textbooks for students and educators.
  • Skills Commons
    • Free and open digital library of Workforce Training materials. 
  • SOL*R
    • A repository of freely available online learning resources.
  • University of Minnesota Libraries
    • Open textbooks have been published by the University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing and are licensed to be freely used, adapted, and distributed.
  • Virginia Tech
    • Open Textbooks are freely available online and licensed for redistribution. Some open textbooks are also licensed for editing and modification.
  • Wikibooks
    • The open-content textbooks collection.