IMPORTANT: The library is working on updating the look and feel of our website. Changes are coming soon.

Science Library Resources

Use this guide to jump start your research or utilize other library resources and services.

These are a selection of books available from the library in both print and electronic formats. More are available when you search the catalog.

Start Searching

Research Tips

Are you ready to start research on a topic for this course? Here are some tips from the library:

  • Search the right places. Where does the information you need live? Is it available through Google or do you need a specialized library database to freely access it? Make sure you pick the right resource when searching.
  • Search multiple places. Well-rounded research usually involves searching in multiple places. Don't limit yourself to just one place.
  • Use the subject headings. Databases usually tag things so that you can easily see everything on a specific topic. Find the subject headings that are related to your topic rather than relying just on a keyword search.
  • Use synonyms. Think carefully about your search terms (phrases, not sentences!) and try synonyms of your search terms.
  • Use Boolean Logic. This will help you get a smaller list of highly relevant results rather than a huge list of barely relevant results.
  • Don't wait until the last minute. Libraries usually can share resources with each other. If there is something you need that we don't have, we can possibly get it for you. This takes time though, so don't put off your research!

Does all of this information make your head spin? Meet with a librarian! Librarians are trained to help you find information, so ask for help.

Citation Resources

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association

The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association is the style manual of choice for writers, editors, students, and educators in the social and behavioural sciences. Consult frequently asked questions to sharpen your understanding of APA Style. It lets you familiarise yourself with submission standards for APA books and journals.

MLA Handbook

The MLA Handbook shows writers how to cite sources in their writing and create useful entries for the works-cited list.