Students who are currently enrolled at Fletcher Technical Community College in an on campus, distance education, or online course are eligible for library services. To use the databases from a remote location, you must first be a registered student at Fletcher.
You will be prompted to supply a username (your Lola number) and password (your date of birth MMDDYY). Further help may be obtained by contacting the Library at 985-448-7910 during library hours of operation.
These are a selection of books available from the library in both print and electronic formats. More are available when you search the catalog.
Are you ready to start research on a topic for this course? Here are some tips from the library:
Does all of this information make your head spin? Meet with a librarian! Librarians are trained to help you find information, so ask for help.
The Purdue APA Style Workshop directs you how to research and do citations using APA format.
The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association is the style manual of choice for writers, editors, students, and educators in the social and behavioural sciences. Consult frequently asked questions to sharpen your understanding of APA Style. It lets you familiarise yourself with submission standards for APA books and journals.