Policy# Library 1.402
Library Circulation Policy
Authority: Chancellor’s Approval Effective Date: 04/20/2020
Last Revision: 04/20/2021
The Circulation Policy provides guidelines for the eligibility of library users, circulation of library materials, interlibrary loan, fines and fees, and user account holds.
The primary goal of the Library collection is to provide the resources and materials to support the curriculum and instructional programs of the institution. The circulation policy exists to facilitate access to the material and information in the library’s collection.
The library offers a basic core collection and collections appropriate to all program offerings. Rules for using print and physical items in the library collection are as follows:
- Items may be checked out by currently employed faculty and staff and currently enrolled students of Fletcher.
- A valid Fletcher ID must be presented to check out materials.
- Users may check out 10 items at one time.
- Circulation periods for students are as follows:
- Books: 21 days
- Audio/Visual: 21 days
- Course Reserves: varies
- Laptops: entire semester
- Other Equipment: varies
- Circulation periods for faculty are as follows:
- Books: entire semester
- Audio/Visual: entire semester
- Laptops: entire semester
- Other Equipment: varies
- Items may be renewed twice. Additional renewals are at the discretion of library staff.
- All materials are due back by the end of the semester, which equates to the last day of finals, even if that means a shorter circulation period.
- Fletcher does not charge overdue fines but users with overdue, damaged, or lost items will have a hold placed on their account three business days after the semester ends.
- Loaned/Checked out items not returned are considered lost 10 days past the end of the semester in which they are checked out and will be charged to the user 10 days past the end of the semester/due date. The replacement cost plus a processing fee of $20.00 must be paid to the business office.
- Items cannot be checked out by one person for use by another except by special arrangement and at the discretion of the library staff.
- The charges for lost or non-returned items will be reversed from the user’s account it the item is returned in the same condition it was in at the time of checkout.
- Delinquent charges will follow the same process as collection of debt and can be turned over to the Attorney General’s office. Once the debt is turned over, it must be handled with the Attorney General’s office.
- Users who damage library items are subject to charges that will vary according to the extent of the damage.
- For severely damaged items, the library may assess the full replacement cost when applicable.
- Damage charges that do not require full replacement of the item will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Special Circulation Policies
Equipment in the library collection is available for circulation. Equipment includes, but is not limited to webcams, projectors, headphones, cables, speakers, etc.
- The patron that checks out a piece of equipment is responsible for the replacement value of any item that is lost or damaged.
- Before checking out equipment worth more than $100, patrons must electronically sign an acknowledgement that they will be responsible for the replacement cost of a lost or damaged item.
- Holds placed on equipment expire in 24 hours.
- Calculators are due back at the end of the semester in which they are checked out.
- Holds placed on calculators expire in 24 hours.
- Should a calculator or any of its pieces be lost or damaged, patrons are responsible for the replacement cost of the calculator or the lost/damaged pieces including rechargeable batteries and charging cables.
- Some library calculators come with rechargeable batteries. Batteries can be exchanged at the library.
- Laptop availability is on a first-come, first-served basis and is available to currently enrolled students. Student ID is required for checkout.
- Laptops are loaned one semester at a time, and must be returned by the last day of finals in that semester according to the Academic Calendar.
- Laptops cannot be renewed. Exceptions will be made for students enrolled in mini semesters and must be renewed in person with proof of enrollment.
- Users are responsible for all devices and accessories, and must electronically sign an acknowledgement that they will be responsible for the replacement cost or damage costs of a lost or damaged item.
- Laptops that are damaged, lost, or stolen will be charged the full replacement cost of the device or parts affected. Chargers, accessories, and laptop bags will be inspected upon return and assessed for damage.
- The user is responsible for saving their work outside of the device. All data on the device will be erased at the end of each semester by the Information Technology department. Documents and data cannot be retrieved.
- In the event that the Information Technology department performs any troubleshooting or repair work on the computer, no attempts will be made to recover or otherwise protect the Borrower’s data. It is the Borrower’s responsibility to ensure Borrower’s data is adequately backed up. No technical support will be rendered by the College, except to reimage/reload the operating system and associated software on Borrower’s issued computer if the operating system is inoperable.
- Students must adhere to the following guidelines:
- Students will follow the Fletcher Technical Community College Computing Resources Use Policy as stated in the Student Handbook
- Students must protect the device from theft/ and or damage
- Students must adhere to all copyright laws
- Students must notify library staff immediately of any damage or equipment malfunction
- Students must notify library staff immediately if the device is lost or stolen
- Laptops that are not returned by the end of the semester will be disabled by the Information Technology Department three business days after the due date.
- In the event that a student is issued an Incomplete for a course and needs additional time after the due date, the student must bring in the device to the library staff for renewal. Verification of an incomplete grade must be met before renewal.
- Fletcher students, staff, and faculty may place a hold on library items through the library catalog.
- There is no fee to place a hold.
- A user may place a hold on an item that is currently checked out to another user or one that is available on the shelf.
- Students must select a pick up library at the time the hold is placed.
- Items at the Main campus in Schriever will generally be available within 24 hours for items that are not checked out. For items that require delivery to another Fletcher facility, please allow two business days. If the item is needed sooner, the user should contact the library directly.
- Items can be delivered to the Houma facility and the Thibodaux facility and retuned to any facility or main campus.
- Students can place holds on up to 5 items at a time.
- Students will be notified by email and phone once the hold is available for pickup.
- Holds are filled in the order they are placed.
- Holds can be canceled at any time via the library catalog under "My Account."
- Once a hold becomes available for pick up, that item will be held at the pickup library for five business days. Users should make every effort to pick up the item within the period. The item will not be available after the expiration date.
- Equipment placed on hold will only be held for 24 hours.
Interlibrary loans are transactions in which library materials are made available by one library to another. The purpose of interlibrary loan is for exchange of resources throughout the state and nation. Resource sharing among libraries is desired and encouraged for mutual benefit. Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service supplements the locally owned resources and provides students and faculty access to a wider range of materials beyond the library collection. The library seeks to provide ILL service in accordance with the Copyright Law of Title 17, U.S. Code, National Interlibrary Loan Code for the U.S., National Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyright Works Guidelines, and the Louisiana Interlibrary Loan Code.
- ILL service is extended to all Fletcher students and faculty. Faculty and students may search any library catalog within the state and nation and initiate a request to borrow materials for research.
- Instructors are responsible for assuring students have access to course readings; either through providing students copies in class or by placing the readings on reserve. The library will not provide interlibrary loan requests for assigned readings.
- The library is a member of Online Computer Library Center (OCLC), which allows the library access to more than 2,000 libraries nationwide via national cataloging, interlibrary loan, and title verification records. Using OCLC, library staff will process borrowing requests in a timely manner. Steps of the ILL process include: patron requesting materials, library staff locating materials and submitting the request to a lending library, lending library issuing and forwarding the materials via appropriate transmission methods either through mail, fax, or electronic transfer. The entire process may take approximately two or three weeks due to location of the lending library, incomplete request forms, and various other factors. It is recommended that patrons make requests for materials at least 14-21 days in advance of needing the materials for effective use of ILL service.
- All ILL requests must be completely filled out.
- One ILL request form per item must be completed.
- ILL requests are limited to a maximum of twenty per person per week.
- Requestor will be notified when materials arrive. Unclaimed materials will be held at the circulation desk a maximum of 10 days before they are returned to the lending library.
- All materials should be returned to the circulation desk three days prior to the lending library's due date. Renewal requests must be made at least three days prior to the lending library's due date.
- Flagrant violation of ILL policies and procedures will be cause for withdrawal of ILL privileges.
- Any questions concerning ILL requests should be directed to the librarian on duty or the librarian responsible for processing ILL requests.
- The library does not charge qualified patrons for use of ILL service as long as requested items are those directly related to research needs and funds allow.
- The lending institution's policies are in effect for materials borrowed through ILL. Lending library policies vary as to what resources may be borrowed, length of borrowing period, and fines for overdue items.
- The patron initiating the request is responsible for adhering to the policies of the lending institution. The borrower is responsible for any charges or fines incurred during an ILL transaction. Fines owed to a lending institution will be promptly paid by Fletcher. The faculty or student incurring the fine or charge as a result of damage to materials borrowed or violation of the lending library's policies will then be billed by The Library for the total amount of the fine or charge plus an additional $5.00 service charge.
- Occasionally, materials can only be obtained from an institution or document delivery service that charges a fee for lending materials. The library will attempt to supplement these charges as funds allow. However, in some circumstances, the borrower may be asked to pay these fees up to the maximum cost indicated by the patron on the ILL request form.
- The library does not charge institutions that have a non-charging policy. However, institutions that do charge ILL service fees will be charged the amount of their service charge. Requests from libraries via OCLC are accepted.
- The loan period for Fletcher items loaned is the same as the loan period if the item were checked out by a Fletcher patron. Items are renewable unless otherwise designated or the item has been recalled. Fletcher loans books and periodical articles. We reserve the right to refuse any request which does not comply with any provision of the above codes and guidelines of the library's circulation policy. Items not loaned include rare, reference, periodicals, course reserves, audio/visual, and frequently used titles. All requests for photocopies must be accompanied with copyright compliance.
- Materials should be packed to protect against damage and returned to 1407 Highway 311, Schriever, LA 70395
Distribution: Distributed Electronically via College’s Internet.
Reviewing Council/Entity
Approval Date
Other (if applicable)
College Council
Executive Cabinet